Friday, February 7, 2025

R1b Was NOT Spread by Yamnaya and The Whole Theory of Steppe/Indo European Must Be Called Into Question

R1b-L23 is the key branch in Western Europe, with huge numbers of Welsh, Spaniards, Irish, and Western French (among a long list) bearing descendants of this clade. 

People who claim that it spread with Indo European languages like to say that it "likely originated in the East."  But as many have noted: almost everything in Western Europe technically originated in the East, because that is the way genetics migrate into Europe.  Haplogroups I and G and J, etc. -- they all "originated in the East."

The same people who are sure that L23 is Indo European from the Steppe also used to say that they were sure the Yamna/Yamnaya were the mechanism.  Wikipedia still contains this bad information.  Now however, the Yamnaya are NOT considered any more to be a candidate for the R1b prevalence in Western Europe, because their clade is actually a brother clade that did NOT spread into Western Europe at any large scale.

There's a lot of evidence that R1b-L23 did NOT spread with Steppe people from the East.

-Huge numbers of Western Hunter Gatherers all around Europe bore R1b. There could easily have been a small pocket of WHGs somewhere that carried the precursor to R1b-L23.  Indeed, certain of the key samples I listed above were not tested for terminal/downstream SNPs.  

-The people with the most "Steppe" ancestry today are the Saami of Northern Finland.  They are almost absent R1b-L23.  

I continue to believe that the notion that every crag and corner of Wales and Spain and Western France and the Pyrenees was ALL completely replaced by people from the East is so much horse malarkey as to defy all common sense.

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